Mark Ryden, Bunnies and Bees Catalog

Bunnies and Bees Catalog
Artist: Mark Ryden 
Title: Bunnies and Bees Catalog
Medium: Painting
Edition: 8,000
Size: 9 X 12
Year: 2001
Markings: Signed
Bunmnies and Bees Catalog 2001. Contains fifty pages with over fifty color images, including essays and reference drawings, soft-cover, and perfect bound. Introductory essay by Mike McGee with essays by Mark Ryden for each painting throughout the book. Limited Edition of 8000 Porterhouse Item Number: P013
Datesort icon Price Source
12/24/08 $46.99 eBay
11/19/08 $6.56 eBay
11/15/08 $38.77 eBay
10/02/08 $100.00 eBay
09/21/08 $75.00 eBay
09/06/08 $47.00 eBay
08/04/08 $75.00 eBay
07/18/08 $60.00 eBay
07/06/08 $46.00 eBay
07/03/08 $56.00 eBay

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