Mark Ryden, Blood Audio CD

Blood Audio CD
Artist: Mark Ryden 
Title: Blood Audio CD
Medium: Other
Edition: 7,500
Year: 2003
Original Pricing: $22
Original musical score for Mark Ryden's BLOOD exhibition by Stan Ridgway and Pietra Wexstun. Discs are encased in a unique three-fold packaging design by Mark Ryden, featuring paintings from the BLOOD Show.
Datesort icon Price Source
04/04/10 $42.00 eBay
12/18/08 $15.50 eBay
10/10/08 $20.49 eBay
10/07/08 $26.20 eBay
09/27/08 $16.50 eBay
09/08/08 $21.08 eBay
08/26/08 $20.00 eBay
08/19/08 $45.62 eBay
07/15/08 $31.00 eBay
07/03/08 $26.77 eBay

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