

Eine is most notable for his alphabet lettering on shop shutters in London's Shoreditch, Brick Lane and Broadway Market areas. Some of these letters have been mapped for ease of finding. He has also taken his lettering to the streets of Paris, Stockholm, Hastings and Newcastle upon Tyne.

Prior to becoming involved in commercial graffiti, Eine was a very famous and highly credible writer in the underground London graffiti scene.

Inspired by the work of fashion assassin Noki, Eine first started to explore more commercial avenues in a workshop above the Dragon Bar in Lenoard Street, London (now knocked down). Eine produced a number of custom clothing designs notably some custom "VANDALS" sweatshirts and started to explore screen prints.

At this time Eine contributed to sticker graffiti and was prolific in East London with his neon and black EINE stickers (multiple EINE names).

Eine first came to prominence in the "commercial" graffiti scene through his symbiotic partnership with London graffiti artist Banksy; through Eine, Banksy was able to access the underground scene and through Banksy Eine accessed the commercial world. Impressed by the work of Banksy Eine chose to focus on "commercial" graffiti.

In his commercial work he has produced numerous lettering styles including: shutter, circus, neon, elton, vandalism and wendy.

In 2007, the Tower Hamlets Partnership began to survey residents of Brick Lane to ask whether they considered his graffiti offensive and should be removed.[5]

Eine's work has been shown by Catherine Hodgkinson at various art fairs including the 20/21 British Art Fair and the London Art Fair.

Eine used to be the in-house printer for London based Pictures on Walls. He was responsible for the prints of such artists as Banksy, Jamie Hewlett and Anthony Micallef. He left this position to pursue his own solo career in 2008.

In January 2008, Eine was featured in an article in London's Time Out magazine as one of the six best new street artists working in the capital.

There is a chapter on Eine in Street Renegades: New Underground Art[7] by Francesca Gavin and he is also featured in The Art Of Rebellion 2: World Of Urban Art Activism[8] by Christian Hundertmark, and he was featured in Sebastian Peiter's documentary 'Guerilla Art'.

In July 2010, President Barack Obama was presented with a painting by Eine, Twenty First Century City, as an official gift from the British Prime Minister David Cameron.

Screenprint Portfolio
Grey Smiley
shutterfont numbers, white
shutterfont numbers gold
shutterfont numbers, black
Shutterfont Numbers - 10 Eine
Work Is A Four Letter Word - I
home sweet home 5
home sweet home 2
Andy Dirty Warhol
Shutter Font A-Z
Shot Dirty Warhol
Scum Dirty Warhol
Home Sweet Home - 6
Home Sweet Home - IV
Home Sweet Home
little scary canvas
When The Lights Go Out
Vandals A-Z 08
Neon A-Z 08 Eine
Love 08 Eine
Bring the Noise
Bring the Noise (Green)
Care Bear
Uncut Sticker Sheet
Elton 07 Eine - Light
We Hate Eine 06
Circus 06
home sweet home 3
smiley  blue
smiley red
smiley green
smiley orange
Mixed Media Portfolio
Electrifying 08 Eine
Extravigant 08 Eine
Guilty 08 Eine
Hell 08 Eine - 1st
Imaginative 08 Eine
Innocent 08 Eine
Magnificent 08 Eine
Marvelous 08 Eine
Monsters 08 Eine
Outrageous 08 Eine
People Are Happier Here
Phillip A-Z 08
Problems 08 Eine
Scandalous 08 Eine
Scandalous 08
Sensational 08 Eine
Smiley A-Z 08
Vandalism Skull 08
Vvandalism Skull 08
Monster 06 Eine - Blue/Purple
Painting Portfolio
Art Shows
03/12/11 Eine