Shepard Fairey, Soup Can III

Shepard Fairey, Soup Can III
Artist: Shepard Fairey 
Title: Soup Can III
Medium: Screenprint
Edition: 200
Size: 16"x20"
Year: 2009
Markings: Signed & Numbered
See Also: Soup Can II   Soup Can IV  

This print originally retailed for $250, with the price steadily increasing as the edition continued to sell. The print was only available at Iconoclast's website and was not available for purchase on
Datesort icon Price Source
05/29/10 $550.00 eBay
01/06/10 $680.00 eBay
12/15/09 $477.89 eBay
10/03/09 $605.00 eBay
06/17/09 $750.00 eBay

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