Shepard Fairey, Jonesy's Jukebox

Shepard Fairey, Jonesy's Jukebox
Artist: Shepard Fairey 
Title: Jonesy's Jukebox
Medium: Screenprint
Edition: 300
Size: 18"x24"
Year: 2006
Original Pricing: $45
Markings: Signed & Numbered
Signed by Shepard Fairey and Steve Jones, this print was originally sold for $45. From You know how big of a fan Shepard is of the Sex Pistols... well, they changed his life! Once again Shepard collaborated with Steve Jones to make a screen print of the Jonesy's Jukebox Radio Show Logo, which Shepard created along with the Indie 103 logo. Its a big honor for Shepard to work with Steve and he is happy to show his appreciation. The Jonesy's Jukebox print is signed by both Shepard and Steve Jones, Ed of 300.
Datesort icon Price Source
11/01/09 $250.00 eBay
10/25/09 $87.18 eBay
08/25/09 $92.37 eBay
08/06/09 $90.00 eBay
06/05/09 $96.74 eBay
12/19/08 $304.67 eBay
08/09/07 $30.55 eBay

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