Shepard Fairey, Dis Obey

Shepard Fairey, Dis Obey
Artist: Shepard Fairey 
Title: Dis Obey
Medium: Screenprint
Edition: 100
Size: 9.5"x24"
Year: 1997
Markings: Signed
One of the only known copies of this print was on display at a sixspace show in 1999. The print originally cost $35. The show, The Medium is the Message, remains documented on their website. The original artwork, used as source material by Fairey, was a political protest poster that was created by an unknown artist during the Prague Spring. The image on the left-hand side of this print was later used for the print Make Art Not War.
Datesort icon Price Source
10/25/08 $1,625.00 eBay
07/12/07 $2,026.99 eBay

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