Randy Brennan

Randy Brennan

Born May 7th 1963, Randy Brennan’s interest in art began in grade school and continued to grow through alternate studies in design and architecture. Randy’s art has never been bound by a single style or category. With an artistic reputation of broad style and talent, his art knows no boundaries. Through observation, poetry, culture, and travel, Randy’s body of work continues to grow. Like the Fauvists (French for “wild beasts”) of the early 1900s, one of Brennan’s preferred styles of painting boasts clean lines and vibrant hues, countered with illustrative images of blimps, planes, and flowers; Americana motifs found within his painted collages.
"I am inspired by many countries, cultures and architecture. All expressions of light, scents and textures continuously impact my work. I can spend six weeks on a painting, but the magic doesn’t happen until I nail it with a patina, that’s when the sparks fly. The whole painting comes together,” Randy Brennan.

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