Nick Walker, 38 Pig Tails

Nick Walker, 38 Pig Tails
Artist: Nick Walker 
Title: 38 Pig Tails
Medium: Screenprint
Edition: 50
Year: 2009
Original Pricing: $450
Markings: Signed and numbered
Print for the release of Walker's book, A Sequence of Events
Datesort icon Price Source
11/17/09 $660.00 eBay
11/08/09 $777.78 eBay
10/18/09 $844.46 eBay
09/24/09 $700.00 eBay
09/14/09 $709.53 eBay
07/07/09 $416.00 eBay
07/07/09 $416.00 eBay
06/02/09 $1,334.35 ebay

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