Banksy, Morons Sepia

Banksy, Morons Sepia
Artist: Banksy 
Title: Morons Sepia
Medium: Screenprint
Edition: 300
Size: 76 cm x 56 cm
Year: 2007
Original Pricing: £450
Markings: Signed and numbered in pencil, stamped by P.O.W.
See Also: Morons  Morons Unsigned 

A screenprint by Banksy that pokes fun at the art world has sold at auction in London. The print, which takes a dig at auction houses like Sotheby's, first appeared on the artist's website after Bombing Middle England reached £102,000 at auction in February.
Datesort icon Price Source
10/12/07 $12,204.00 ebay
10/17/08 $5,000.00 ebay
12/07/08 $3,213.32 ebay
12/19/08 $2,492.00 ebay
02/26/09 $3,774.11 ebay
06/07/09 $2,810.84 ebay
12/13/09 $3,400.00 ebay

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dips's picture

Haha. This one always makes me laugh.